Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We Need to Address Something (A letter to your Fears)

So, several of you have stayed after and openly expressed some of your fears (especially racing). First, thank you for your openness and honesty because obviously you are not alone. BUT, we have to address it. This will make or break your performances. Here is what I know. There is Fear and there is fear. What I mean by that is - there is a fear of something where you are in awe of it. God! We should fear God and when we do, we do not need to fear the things of this world because we know He is bigger than them . THAT is an awesome fear. Fear of failing is paralyzing. We call it performance anxiety. It's fear. That is not a fear you want before a race or ever. So, why do we need to address this? What does it do and what can you do about it?

Why? Because events and races are won and lost before the start and finish because of the interrelationship between your mind, body and performance. In other words, what you think or say to yourself right before and during your meet, goes instantly and directly into your body and touches off some subtle, but important physiological change. These small changes will significantly affect how well you perform. Negative thoughts, negative outcome. Positive thoughts, positive outcome.
What happens in your body when you get nervous? 
First, your muscles begin to tighten. That stinks.
Second, your breathing speeds up and gets shallower. Less oxygen.
Third, digestion shuts down leaving you feeling nauseous.
Fourth, your heart rate and blood pressure go up.

Can you relate?
What can you do about it?
Any time a negative thought comes, replace it!  Stay relaxed, stay in the moment.
Focus on the moment in front of you...your pace and the next 400 or 800.
Run easy and free and TRUST your workouts and ability.
Need some positive self talk words? "I have trained as hard as the person passing me. I am strong. I could run all day. I have a strategy. I have am not afraid to leave it all out on the course."
Being nervous only means you care. Nervous is good; just make sure you channel it -  don't let it turn to fear. Use it to motivate and not inhibit.
Bottom line: just Run and live for the pure joy of encouraging your team mates, using your God given talents, maybe passing people :). We have faith in you, now have faith in yourself to let the race unfold before you.

You are in our prayers. 
Coach Deb, Dave & Melissa

A Little Add on from Coach Melissa: 

Remember this is part of your training... You train to Run.. YES.. but you also are training for controlling those emotions at that starting line.

Things that can help boost your Mental Confidence: 
Getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating well, and having a snack when you need it. 
Participating at Practice, Warm Up, Workout, Cool down.
I was scrolling Instagram Stories last night :) and I follow lots of runners. This was the question that was asked of one of the running coaches. 
"If you could give your past self advice on your training/race what would it be ? " 
Don't be Afraid 
Don't be Afraid to hurt 
We don't train so it doesn't hurt on race day, we train so we can tolerate it and lean into it. To build up those mantras and practice using them. I'be spent a lot of time metal training to disassociate the feeling of a hard workout or race with pain. I tell myself it isn't pain, it is supposed to feel like that and it's a good Thing. Lean into the hurt and be grateful that you get to experience it. 

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