Monday, October 10, 2016

Conference Meet/Portage

Conference Meet Results

The Conference meet Wednesday took place at the South Christian sports complex off Kalamazoo Ave.  We got there and there was lightening spotted in the distance so right off the bat we had a 1/2 hour delay. With the threat of storms and rain the Girls races were all combined together, so all the schools ran at one time. The changing of times and the torrential down pour made things a little bit chaotic. It was an exciting meet with wind, rain, sun, and a rainbow. It was also exciting because the girls team is now undefeated in the conference. This next week is going to be very important as they prepare for the all conference meet on October 19 at Helder Park. 

Girls Pictures from Conference Meet at South Chr.

Boys Pictures from Conference Meet at South Chr.

Portage Invite Results

The Portage Invite is always exciting, it is a great course for PR's and Varsity Times. The weather was great this year so it was very busy at the meet. If you were there, you noticed I am sure. It was also fun to have Leah O'conner there to sign autographs. 

The Boys and Girls team had great races, there was a mix of PR's and Varsity Times as well as some disappointment at missed goals but that is how it goes sometimes. They always start very fast at Portage because there are so many runners and so much excitement, this can be good and bad for runners. If they start too fast sometimes it causes struggles later in the race, and we noticed some of this among the students. This is also really good for some runners because it pushes them to the next level and they realize they can push a little harder, this was also the case with some of the students. So the Portage Invite did not disappoint and was a great learning experience in Racing for ALL.

Girls Pictures from Portage 

Boys Pictures from Portage

A video posted by Melissa Jo Schrotenboer (@lovetomovemi) on

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