What are you doing to get ready for Track season ?
You can be working on your Core Strength, make your self a stronger more durable runner.
Lets start with Activation !!!
Activate that TVA - (Transverse Abdominals) the Deepest Core layer of muscles. Put your hands on your belly, cough, Does your belly move in or out ? It should move In and Up.
Next Try Dead bug laying on the floor, keep that lower spine pressed to the floor, keep you pelvis stable, and your core engaged, belly button pulled in and up. PRACTICE this !!!!
Activate those GLUTES - (the BOOTY) We all sit a lot!! we sit at school or at home school, at work .. and we need to wake up those muscles so that we can used them to RUN faster !!!
Lay down on your belly, legs out strait, pointed toes into the ground, now activate the glutes, and pick up a knee and then point the toe. Can you do this ? are you using the glutes, did your back try to join in? Practice this. !!! Then move on to all fours and practice lifting that heel towards the ceiling, keep the tummy pulled in, the pelvis stable and activate the glutes. PHEW !! that is a lot to think about..
but you are on your way to getting ready for track.

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